It was a day like no other, it was a day like every other day – the routines, reticence to race, the reluctance to rise and break the spell of the sensuous – there was the strong tea, the too-few pillows, the let-them-have-cream for milk for why not when we know our days are numbered? – the rousing, in the deluge of the heart’s song, we enter a hundred doors inside our bodies, together, one widening the eyes to wonder more than the next – every hair and freckle on your glorious skin becoming crisper, amplified, the halo of air encircling us is radio silent but I can hear my prayers twisting invisible dials, tuning to a higher frequency, Divinity FM – I could pluck the answers to all our questions from behind your ears, right now – but the more impressive magic trick is the cascade back into these ordinary, wilting bodies, to hold each other closer, kinder, kindred, in the tender moments after – after what? – before what? – we are walking to the sea, sun belting down from the royal blue sky, spring is warming her breath on this shore – we are not before or after anything, but frozen, salted, laughing, glistening as usual – drifting through the village for the good vibes – I’m draped around you, or you around me, but we’re not clinging, we’re not afraid, I hear the words and anxieties that come to speak, and we give them a seat at the table, but you and I are tall, shoulders back, heart first, unwavered, gazingly, holding the truth of the dark that lives at the core of the I – pupils of this Love – unschooled in how to instruct or shape or perceive – and yet we still smile, two ancient kids ambling home along the lazy butterfly sun-in-your-eyes fragrant-surprise path – we will make fire – break bread – call in the spirit of the jungle cacao – give thanks for this day like no other – like every other day – doing the small things as we’re becoming all things – with a surprising ease, wrought with the truest freedom arising from the underneath, that we have remembered, arrived back at, my love – not needing to know the way, because we are walking it.