

Love Letters

Writing was my first love, and will probably be my last.

As an Irish person, storytelling is in my bones.

So even when I’m not writing, I’m always writing.

In words, I attempt to capture the ordinary magic of life on earth with a nod to the unseen, the ineffable, and the unknown.

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Brother I feel you — twenty-two, faraway, coming up on twenty-three and in your twenties truly, now — gosh I thought I knew and had it all then — and still I struggled like nobody’s business — and it was nobody’s


A strong morning with tender insides, after eclipse reverie and a gravity hungover — evening of gravitas, night light makes things seem as real as they are, revealing what's valuable — what am I valuing? — Leo — Taurus — courage —

More hands

MoMo It is coming closer now — the inevitable — wait, what kind of an empty statement is this? What illusions you find yourself living in! — what a hollow clack clack these keys make — waiting for life to arrive tomorrow


You – how far away you are and still I find all of you inside me – I woke up this morning before the sky’d been cast in light and I thought of you – neigh, I felt you – your soul against my skin


It was a day like no other, it was a day like every other day – the routines, reticence to race, the reluctance to rise and break the spell of the sensuous – there was the strong tea, the too-few pillows, the let-them-have-cream


Smooth jazz – hot chocolate – warmth in my knickers, I'm always naked under my soft clothes, your clothes – I cannot consider that there’s a flight to take in a few days – because I’m so very here, where I ought to


I’m so sad at how little joy I realized within my time with my ex-guy – borrowed this from Elena Tonra – she walks around with the same sadness – same regret for having not lived – too busy making everything so disappointing


Let me remind you — you are an artist.

Whether you’re uncertain about your unique gifts, experiencing a creative block, or struggling to meet your Muse, I can help guide you into the fullness and fluidity of your creative expression.

Why Not Book A

Creative Coaching Session

What Followers Say

“Your words touch every cell. So alive and full of the riches of life and death also. Aho sister. You radiate poetry with God’s grace.”


“Your writing takes me on a journey. I feel your passion, I see your wisdom and discoveries as you articulate them in words that come from you, and at the same time, I feel the universe pouring through you. I feel your heart and can relate to it all.”


“Thank you for being a divine channel and sharing so much beauty with the world. Your offerings are deep, gorgeous, touching and profound all at once.”

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