These days
is what
I’m thinking
each object
more than happenstance
each action
steeped in consequence
nothing out of place
as it has ever been so
that my life has been
of mythological proportions
from where I’m standing
a reluctant
would-be bard
more beautiful than I’d have hoped
for beauty
in myth
always comes at a price
or with a vice
as it, here, amply has –
a cloak
behind which
something wild
and ugly hides
with hooves under skirts
and flesh to be
preened and
and a part
ever betrothed to
the devil in disguise
but last night
standing at a quarter past
the chimes of midnight
over the porcelain sink
hands I didn’t recognize
holding scissors flashing
with fluorescent light
as my very mane
slipped clear instructions
and explanations
into my brain
(hair talks –
all things do,
if you know how to listen)
“the time has come
for us to part ways,
to cut the ties
with darker days”
you shouldn’t
need hair to speak twice.
the locks
that chained me
to former phases
the only continuous
knowable part
of me
this identity
that I could make you see
and only see
so behind I could wilt into the
safe unseen
hair might regrow
but it’s not the same hair
hasn’t absorbed the same
and scents
and salts
and scenes
from the same
cities and towns
and rivers and seas
in the same exact hairline
I will never regrow that hair
I will never relive that time
but in myth
when things speak
you shouldn’t have them speak twice
so with scissors
now a butcher’s knife
I hocked two clean
bloody blows to
two pig’s tails
squealed with delight
for the doing of
the thing that is
unquestionably right
I’m forever
chasing that
choiceless choice
these days, all the more –
to that inner voice
that speaks once, and no more
because I can give myself over to that.
to the soft sweet oatmeal ease of the inevitable
choosing the chosen
doing the done
as the scissors now become
a blunt axe
glinting in the sun
and I offer my innocent hands
to the one who
sold me to my destiny
and it’s easy
as milk and honey
the relief
of accepting the fate
that is meant
standing open
in softness for love
not against
in the crystalline clarity
and arrow precision
of taking action
without making decision.
in these strange times
this, my loves,
is my prayer –
that our ears
and eyes
and hearts might
and that
as we go
where we’re going
we choose to
waltz with our