Take the first small step, the one that is hardest to take – or whatever he said with my legs wrapped around you – I am like a glove, made to fit your limbs, and your heart – I have been reflecting on all the parts that we are without trying to reduce us to just them – all the moments in a day, the fluctuations of how I feel in my body, how I feel about you in relation to my body, where the sun and moon and planets are in relation to my body – so many parts! But in my deepest knowing 2+2 always makes 5 – there are invisible strings in this celestial dance, music of the spheres that we cannot hear – we are not something to be solved – we dream of solvency simply so that we can forget the grind of angular hours to just be, create, grow things, dance in the gossamer gardens of the in-between – it is almost the dark moon, the winter of another cycle, but sweet death came for me early – in not much but starlight you came to take me too – so I paint you with earth, you paint me with sky, and we slip into reverie, stardust in flesh, in quiet reverence of worlds we can’t see, slipped between the cracks of what I am to you and what you are to me – only when we admit defeat, admit we are also mere parts in a great symphony, open to disbelief, bow with enough humility, do we find the lost things, gathered with discarded meanings we needed just until, until we left those stark-lit rooms – we have passed through new doors, knowing less now having seen more – we walk a steady song line humming an ancestral aphorism – without even trying you are your grandfather, heroic, starting as you wish to continue – and I remember my dreams with you. That is not nothing, darling. I remember my dreams.