This morning I spiraled down into my body from the astral, like a paraglider – woke up giggling and dizzy, looking for you – came to my aloneness with a glad smile – anyway, I’ve spent parts of the night wrapped in your embrace; your parts constellated their way into my night sky – you are etched in my heavens embroidered cloths, now – but there’s space between us on the ground – I stare out the window, admiring the particular hue of white that this morning’s sky is painted – it has been a while since I’ve admired something so plain, in so unhurried a way – without you next to me, some buffer has been taken away, the tracks of habitual seeing have been disturbed, and I strain through the dust – til it clears, and everything feels crisp, godlike, again, as it was before I knew you, as it is when I am with you and forgetting who you are – perception dulls when we get comfortable – an indisputable fact of our evolution – and though we bemoan the constant shudder of uncertainty that ripples round the edges of our container, perhaps there’s something to it – to being kept on one’s toes, reaching for the heavens from the mortal ground – as an aside, I have relished this delicious aloneness, embellished every moment with my praise, have moved just so in the way that I am used to, have felt more than good enough, in body every breath, nothing unpleasant to escape from – I’m a fucking joy to be around when I’m around no one – I need this, but just piecemeal – need little windows of me – but then to learn to dance with two, three and more, to stay in my gravitational center as love and life spin around me – I dare not think what you’re thinking this morning – a day alone can be intoxicating, lead us to thinking that the other was to blame all along – instead of the less-savoury truth that it was to ourselves that all those gnarled and crooked bits belonged – in my strange bed I think of set and setting – what we signed up for in saying yes to a potent relationship – no less than a medicine journey – courageously embarked upon together – the first stage is always the purge, upending all the muck and bile we’ve been carrying ’round – to make room for the mystical experience – the profound – that can be a life – the vital aloneness of each journey, the trust of the love that tethers us – my patch of sky is spread as far as I could possibly see – has room enough for all of me – radiant, I call for thee, my closest star – burning in cosmic time, able to endure distance and proximity, easeful with continents between us or nothing but bare skin – there’s nothing to fear, my dear – our souls know the way, let us pray.