We rose to the occasion that we carved for ourselves – drew with our fingers in the air in front of us – the child we pushed ahead, it grew into itself – we did it, babe – just let’s celebrate that for a second before we move onto the next thing – before we are at the party, in the lake, sitting in ceremony or on the airplane – I have wondered what will happen to our writings when we’re not breathing the same air – we are living in a shared experience these days, mingled myth-making – still, I’ve noticed that the more our hours and breaths meld, the more I see you as a separate being, as your own hand-carved mystery – it was a most uncanny melancholy I awoke with this morning, but it was held the arms of a quiet satisfaction, as I arose alone, walked the wet steps to the chopped wood, lit the fire, boiled the kettle, and wrote, as you slept – our worlds, coming closer so they become more defined – I wrote of my dreams: my under-lands wouldn’t have me rest last night, wild, enormous, terrifying, death by firing squad, betrayal of the heart, brutal violence – the unexamined rises to the top of my psyche like cream on rotting milk – something, not nothing, is rotting in my belly, I am on the path of purification – more space is made for us in this – for your two-donut glee, my possessiveness, your fear – I feel my life becoming more of a life and there is plenty of space that I would keep for you, would and will not out of fear, an existence that could grow in the warmth of this love – for I know too well that in our garden lives a rare bird who’ll stay as long as we admire its extraordinary plumage – it will live in the orchard, the ordinary patch of fruit trees that we planted – it’s true that in consciousness and thought that we must attend to the moment that we’re in, be nowhere but here, but there’s a vital undercurrent, an exhaulted subtext – I sense it, a natural, unthinking inclination towards the other side of the unfoldment, the something that is building, being built, emerging from the deepest heart and our bodies instincts. Now. Enjoy the afterglow. The coffee. The lovely local view. And begin again.