When a date resonates for no reason – what has this been to me in past or present lives? – nine ten, not sure, but today, I wake up with precision, direction, ambition – the body springs – there’s life to be lived through me, now’s the time – in my dreams I was clearing the forest paths that have become overrun with weeds – common ivy that will simply grow anywhere – if we let it and do nothing and care not to attend to it – you P have been calling me, or have I been calling you, one heart reaching out to the other in the way that souls do even when the skins they’re wrapped in are furrowed and cold – the way of the heart is a river of fire burning the weeds at their roots and clearing the way for the air to rush through – and surprisingly gentle, as it always is when we meet in dreams – there’s nothing to shout about – like the King of Wands who landed in my hand this morning, the one I’m becoming – my king is being roused from his wayward boyhood – from hopeless hapless hanging by my own careless hand, here I am again but I’ll be turned about, righted by the roar of my royal blood, the softness of my cheek, the wilderness at hand, place and purpose intentionally chosen, no one to answer to, no place that I do not belong if I believe that I belong – M, see me like this, now – see me as the king who you will walk beside – we are rulers of our own lives who know where the power source is – behind the solar flares of light that catch in the pupils of ours eyes – the king with a hole at his core, darkness divine – wherever I walk, let me walk as nothing – let me retain the emptiness required for life to run through me – this is the Will to Surrender, not hanging lazily waiting for life to happen or a gust to take me, but this – surrendering into one’s true nature, and fucking standing in it – and wherever you go, thankfully, there you’ll be, an emblem of the ecstatic, a virus of vitality.