I wanted to ‘write write’
but a poem will suffice –
I can play with the words
move them around my plate
and not take them so seriously
this way
just a few throwaway lines
little strands
that capture how I stand
the way I stand
in this love
this love I chose to stand for
just before my hand
reached out for yours
standing and bowing
choosing and allowing
this choicelessness
is not voicelessness
it’s a deep sigh
and a descent
into choosing what’s
meant for us
outside the world is falling
and so are we, darling
and, lord, you’re shattering me
in ways I thought I’d never let
another shatter me
my fault –
I asked for this, clearly
a couple of moons ago
not knowing my spell
was such
a good one
not knowing YOU were such a good one
until I could see you
with unclouded eyes
and every day you’re a surprise
as the layers I’ve cloaked you in
fall away
with the tender touch of my
yet every day I find you standing
still a mystery
and my heart bleeding open
at your feet
and fuck you, I’m writing poetry to you now
and fuck you, what the hell has happened to me?
and fuck you, I’m committed to this thing
which you haven’t asked for
and I haven’t wanted
but it’s as clear as moonlight
that I’m committed to this thing
that’s beyond you
and through you
and IS you, as well
(in case I try to skip that last part
which I would of course.)
daily I’m humbled
by the sight of me
by the slightest bits of me
magnified to be seen
and all the space between
and every other human
is filled with love’s breath
so clearly
seeing myself now
with unbridled eyes
and falling in love with us both –
reality check.
you leave. I stay.
the sun has shone on
darker days.
I’m unbothered, as usual,
but in a different way.
I fall through
this inevitable parting
into something old
and something new
past walls built
from the same bricks as mine
passed the shards of
a hundred shattered hearts
scattered through time
I hate to say
I’ve met my match in you
but god, it’s true.
and I am
vainly attempting a bit
of goddamn subtlety
but, none,
so to be clear,
I’m not going anywhere
my dear.
we’re falling in time
and underneath is
the low
primordial hum
of our destiny
while up here
we are polyrhythmic
separately unified
I am not
the drummer
you are not
the drummer
I am the beat and
you are the beat
melting into
the heartbeat
of the artist
in between.