Brother I feel you — twenty-two, faraway, coming up on twenty-three and in your twenties truly, now — gosh I thought I knew and had it all then — and still I struggled like nobody’s business — and it was nobody’s business — have I stayed open to your inner landscapes? — outside and through and through I was still the life and soul — late to the party, last to leave, reveling on the edge of the mystery — a flaneur on a moonlit street, roving blissful through a dream I thought would never end, and god I enjoyed every minute of the sweet, crazy, intensity — when beauty must be diluted a little just to drink it in — and brother, it doesn’t end, it just gets easier to take life straight, on life’s terms — to be so alive all the time — I know you know; suspect you feel more than your host of fair-weather friends — see I recognize your soul from before, know we came here for the same great thing, but first must find ourselves torn apart — stripped of identity, burned at both ends, neither brother nor sister, son nor daughter, we become empty, holy — don’t think I don’t know what magic lives in your belly, what secrets are tucked behind your ears, what visions flood your eyelids — I see you walking in sacred geometry, quietly — and I’m walking with you always, bound not just by bloodline but by something more ephemeral, by a thing that can’t be named — and by Love that pierces through all illusions of space and time that was there for us, holding us, tethering us before we were even born — brother, you’ve sent me the sun — it arises this morning over the ocean to fill my kitchen, I am at wooden table with tea, so far from you, in darkness now — and when day is done I’ll send it back to bathe you in light and melt the sleep from your eyes — this I regret is the most consistent chat we’ve been having of late, our game of solar tennis, but how intimate it is to be gifting each other day and night — because our Love is the music behind the whole celestial show — has nowhere to go — I love you dear brother, always, and on this your solar return, I will send you the sun and, as always, my whole heart with it.