
If we were to listen closely
We would hear the future sounds of
Dying and birthing
As the very same
And we wouldn’t be afraid
Because there’s be ecstasy
Both in the departing
And in the arriving.
There’d be no need for goodbyes
Or hellos either;
Only love would survive,
Only love would thrive.
But now, there’s a a storm brewing and
It’s about to get ugly.
If you don’t care now
You will then, when
It swallows your banknotes and
Sickens your children and
Dries up your garden and
Empties your fridges,
And you don’t know where god went
Or why you’re so tired
Or where you job went
Or your drive, or your purpose;
But what’s coming is
The loss of everything for
The gain of everything.
And if you aren’t ready you
Aren’t going to survive,
But that’s fine –
Others will.
We will.
And our names will be written
In the codes
Of the DNA
Of the future leaders
And lovers
Of this planet.
And after we’re dead
We’ll look upon the earth
That almost perished,
With aliveness,
With darkness,
With Cosmic Purpose,
And we will know that our love
And every act filled with love
Every choice we made
Every little detail
Was made
And everything was
Right on time.