
The world needs soul – now more than ever. Perhaps this is why you’re reading this – because a part of you knows that you’re needed.

The time for healing is passed. This is the time to be all that you are.

Your soul is your essence, your song, your inner fire, your distinct note. It’s a single violin in a great symphony. It’s individual to you and at once belongs to the one soul of the universe.

Through traumas great and small, our soul can fragment – parts of us can ‘fly away’ because they don’t feel safe to exist in these bodies.

We learn to cloak our fractured souls in layers of personality and habit. We develop identities, addictions, beliefs and behaviours that rule our lives.

I believe that the longing of the soul to be whole, to be here, and to know and express itself, is at the root of our inner and outer struggles.

Addictions, limiting beliefs, traumas, relationship issues, confusion, creative blocks, anxiety, depression, etc – these are but symptoms.

At the root is our disconnection from who we are as spiritual beings.

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Soul-Centred Psychotherapy?


As a transformational coach and transformed human being, I offer one-to-one coaching and meditation sessions, online and in-person.

I was in active addiction for sixteen years of my life. Having journeyed through the anxiety, depression, fear and self-loathing that go with that, I’ve been gifted a compassionate understanding of what it means to be human and to struggle.

Before I started helping others, I already had a shit-tonne of hands-on experience in the recovery and self-development worlds. I learned a lot, and realized how arduous and lacking most approaches were.

So I don’t believe in alleviating the symptoms. I believe in stepping outside of the box, or rather, into your soul.

The coaching journey that we will embark upon is a loving and ritualistic approach that will peel back the layers of protection so you can shine your soul’s essence.

Wherever you are on your path, I’d love to hear from you.

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Soul Coaching?

Interested In

Soul Coaching?

What Clients Say

“My coaching journey with El has left me feeling a deeper connection to myself and my purpose than I have ever known, though it’s felt like a process of stepping more into the unknown. I’ve found myself at an exciting and unfamiliar precipice, and I feel ready to take the leap.”


“I’ve done a lot of self-development over the years, but with El’s guidance, I now see that a key piece has been missing – the soul.  I’ve finally been able to come into contact with a part of me that I hadn’t touched before. I figure that this is just the beginning – there’s so much more for me to discover, and every day feels like an adventure. I’ve finally been inspired to live the life I came to live.
